Before we lay any foundation for walking with God, let’s make one thing clear: There is no special formula to living as a Christian. To some, that may seem like an invitation for everyone to live as they see fit. However, while we need to live set apart according to the commandments of the Lord, no one’s relationship with God nor their journey following him will be the same. To claim that everyone must match the same rhythm and dance to the melody of Christ is limiting: not only the followers, but the One that they follow. To limit God is to limit His move in the earth and in your life.
The foundation of Christianity is love. In John’s gospel, we can see the extent of the Lord’s love for us: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (3:16). In turn, when asked what the greatest commandments are, Jesus replied “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:36-39). Our lifestyle should reflect love: love for God and for each other. If we truly love and care for everyone, including our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48), how can we not help to live rightly and justly, according to the commandments of the Lord (Matthew 22:40)? If we love intentionally our lives will reflect the love of the Father.
How do you come to love someone? Through relationship. This is the first step every believer must take in order to truly love God, fulfilling the commandment of Christ. To develop a relationship with the Creator of the universe, you must understand that He wants to be known, to be pursued, and to be your friend. He wants you to choose Him because He has already chosen you. He is worthy of our attention and affection, if for no other reason than because he has boundlessly pursued us regardless of whether we choose to do the same. And the best thing about being friends with the Creator? He is the most loyal, trustworthy friend to be found; He loves you unconditionally and desires nothing but the best for you.
Here are some ways you can begin pursuing a relationship with God:
- Read the Bible. What better way to understand who God is than to read His words?
- Talk to God. God is omnipresent, meaning He is always with you. You do not need an appointment to meet with Him! You can tell God about your day as you walk down the sidewalk, thank Him for something in your life as you sit at your desk, or ask Him questions while you are cooking dinner. He is never too busy to converse with you.
- Pray. Set aside some time out of your day to put away other distractions and seek God. Pray for your family, your friends, and your enemies. Ask for God’s divine will. Pray about anything that is on your heart. What matters to you matters to God.
- Read Devotionals. There are some wonderful Christian devotionals available for both men and women. These often include daily scriptures and a theme to think about throughout your day. This is a great way of incorporating more time into meditating on the Word of God and His promises for you.
- Be still. Take moments throughout your day to appreciate God’s creation and listen for His voice. It’s not that God is too busy to speak to us – oftentimes we are too busy to hear His voice.
In developing a relationship with the Lord, we begin to experience a love deeper than anything we have ever encountered. It is in loving God and being loved that we learn to love others, and in doing so we can accomplish Christ’s second great commandment: to love our neighbors as ourselves. And when we begin to live a life of love towards everyone around us, we become who we were created to be.
Whether you are a seasoned believer, a new Christian, or someone who is simply curious about Christianity, I thank you for being here. Your presence here shows an openness of mind and more importantly, an openness of heart. If you are interested in learning about Christianity, God’s love for you, and how to grow as a believer, look out for the upcoming International School of the Word course on Discipleship for New Believers. Visit to start your biblical education today!
– Jennifer Ann Turner, Staff Writer
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